Update Spendenprojekt
Von Juli 2021 bis April 2022 haben wir Spenden gesammelt, um in Vietnam eine Schule zu errichten. Hintergrundinfos findest Du hier.
Nun ist dieser Traum wahr geworden und in der Provinz Sơn La in Vietnam wurde im Mai 2022 unsere Schule fertiggestellt.
Komm, wir bauen eine Schule
Gemeinsam mit dem Verein "Sao Bien - Room for Education" bauen wir eine Schule in Vietnam!
Von Juli 2021 bis April 2022 haben wir durch Eure Hilfe 5.692€ an Spenden für die Errichtung einer Schule in Vietnam gesammelt (Partnerverein: Sao Bien - Room for Education).
BELEGE (durch Anklicken aufrufbar)
31.12.2021 4.014 € -> Beleg aufrufen
02.03.2022 200 € -> Beleg aufrufen (im Namen eines Partners)
28.04.2022 1.478 € -> Beleg aufrufen
With every gift sold, we donate € 2 to a selected aid organization. Last year we were able to donate more than € 4,600.
Now we would like to take our help to the next level and collect donations in the next six months in order to build a school in Vietnam together with the association "Sao Bien".
What - a whole school?
Yeah, we know our goal is insane. But, my God, "Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true!" - and we are so ready!
This donation project really gave us wings last year. It feels so incredibly right and good to set up something of your own, because you put an incredible amount of energy into being able to help others.
We love to triple our energy and to transform everything we can collect and pass on into positive energy.
Why Vietnam?
We know Vietnam as a wonderful travel destination. Everything there is even more uncomplicated, slower and more down-to-earth. But due to the vastness of this country, there are also ethnic minorities, which mostly live isolated from larger towns.
Even if the government has done a lot to enable schooling in large parts of Vietnam, it is precisely these minorities that are often unable to provide their children and young people with an education due to the dangerous ways to school.
Education is a matter of course for us, but a privilege there, as it is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and giving everyone the opportunity to freely decide about their future.
"Sao Bien" has set itself the task of using the aid to begin exactly where the cycle of poverty begins. In the past five years, the organization has built 28 satellite schools and renovated two schools, bringing educational institutions to these remote locations. The schools built by "Sao Bien" are being built exclusively by construction companies on site, which creates additional jobs there.
After we were able to help in Africa in 2020 and have supported an Austrian project in the first half of 2021, it was time for us again for something far away!
And how much money do we need?
We are very open about it - for this project we need donations of 10,000 € , which is four times what we have been able to collect in half a year so far.
But the past year has shown us that anything is possible and that we can count on you!
This year has fulfilled us more than our dreams anyway. It showed us that everything we collect and donate finds its way back to us.
We are incredibly grateful for the last year and the path that we were allowed to go in these 365 days. And presumably it takes exactly this gratitude and joy in this project to take such a goal in mind and say: "Then loooos!"
Come on, let's build a school! Are you coming with me?
In the next six months you can expect different projects, special editions and a lot of content with which we want to push and realize this project.
We are incredibly looking forward to the further way and thank you now that you are helping with the realization of our school in Vietnam!
All the best,
Terry and Mimi with Team Manuka
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