I am a hand-picked blend of organic herbs and resins, which will accompany you to the twelve Rauhnächten this year.
Use me on a charcoal or with a warmer, so I can best develop my soothing aromas.
My subtle resin base, frankincense, has a cleansing, beneficial effect and gets you in the mood for something new. The holy wood Palo Santo is known as a "panacea" and has the property of finding you in exactly your spiritual process and taking you by the hand. Real orange blossoms and juniper berries make for a pleasant, heart-opening Aroma while sweet grasses and lady's mantle ground you and To be able to sprinkle creativity and new ideas.
With every gift sold, we donate € 2 to a selected aid organization.
Content: 50ml | Orange blossom, lady's mantle, juniper berries, sweet grasses, Palo Santo, incense
Rauhnächte | Incense mixture for your rough nights
Inhalt: 50ml | Orangenblüte, Frauenmantel, Wacholderbeere, Süßgräser, Palo Santo, Weihrauch
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